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why is the x button so hard to click I mean everytime I go to save it I have to reload the game and it goes with mating too

Hi i have a problem with the android version of the game at the start of the game when the girl says to the main character she left some clothes i cant click anything in the game even the dresser hope you can fix this  problem 

Deleted post

There's nothing to do with that. It's not an error. Just click on ur bed to sleep.


How do i get a Monster Breeding license?, Im Panicking right now at day 3 since i don't have any NPCs to ask it

Talk to talia

i talked to her but nothing related to the license appeared

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

First, let me just say that I like the idea here and overall it's already better quality than I would typically expect. That said, here are some constructive criticisms:

- The main description for the game should clearly note that the in-browser/WebGL version is way out of date. There's no sense having anyone new misunderstand it as being representative of the latest progress, or spend a bunch of time in there trying to find content that doesn't exist. It was only by reading other peoples' comments about things that didn't seem to show up in the WebGL version that I got clued into the difference.

Speaking of 0.3.2 now:

- There are a lot of glitches with loading character graphics. In various story interactions (erotic scenes, Cece in forest, etc) the character being interacted with failed to show up around half the time. I had to go keeping going out to Gallery to see what I missed. I understand that various bugs are bound to exist with in-development stuff, but this might need some priority because of how often it seems to occur and the poor impression it makes.

- Is the intent for the player to just keep randomly visiting every single location day after day after day hoping something new happens? I had zero reason to visit Poe's shop but just randomly going into it revealed a little quest about a potion. I had no reason to keep going to my room in the house, but randomly one time going through the hallway triggered a bath scene for Cece. There's seemingly no reason to go to the forest, but doing so some time after advancing your first breeder rank or paying you first due (still not sure which) triggers the Elf stuff.

But with things being so hidden, I never know if I'm missing something that can be triggered or if there's nothing left (or not implemented yet). There's apparently Rika stuff but I have no idea what triggers that (I never see her outside of a few story scenes with multiple characters). Is there more Elf stuff after the point of getting a breeding volunteer? I can donate new elves back but no idea what that does. (Is there a hidden count I have to hit?) I can visit their forest but nothing ever seems to be there. I see comments mentioning something to do with Elizabeth and a lighthouse, but again until I stumble over it randomly I have no idea. Do these additional things depend on primarily on advancing breeder rank? I don't know.

- Is it possible for males to be born from breeding? I only ever seem to get females. Or am I unlucky? Or is it a higher breeder rank thing? It's unclear but seems a fairly important question to the gameplay.


Answering some of my own questions (and some further constructive criticism).

- Possible for males to be born? Yes. It's just that you must use a male of the desired species to do that breeding. While I can see why things are implemented this way (it's probably the most simple way), it feels a bit weird in contrast to any assumptions one might have coming from reality. In game for example CatBoy + DogGirl can only ever yield a CatBoy or a DogGirl. Why not the other specifies-gender combinations of DogBoy or CatGirl? Where this tripped me up was MainCharacter + CatGirl only yields CatGirls, but then I tried CatBoy + CatGirl and happened to get only CatGirls the first few times - so based on the evidence that far - breeding only yields girls.

I think it would be nice if there was like a "Beginners Guide to Breeding" book in the house or maybe an extra dialog option from Talia once males start showing up to just explain how it works.

- I found the Rika stuff, but triggering the shower scene to kick it off seems entirely random chance. And since it's in the house where you don't need to visit if you just use the time skip button, a player could spend hours doing the breeding stuff and never stumble into it. Seems like one would want to make the content a bit more discoverable.

- I still have a couple scenes in the gallery that I never unlocked. Breeder rank A and much time spent clicking through all the locations in the game. With the game giving no hints as to what characters they're with or what locations I need to go so, at this point it has simply exhausted my motivation to find them. That's presumably not what you want the game to feel like.


I'm really surprised and happy that someone actually chooses to "reincarnate" Breeding Seasons but, even though the game is far from being complete, I'm kinda sad that all the "erotic parts" I've found until now are either heterosexual or lesbian when the MC can breed with any monsters without gender restrictions.

Are you planning some BxB scenes as well or this game is just for those who love women ?

Anyways, great job, keep going like that !


if you want that this site is full of Those LET US ENJOY THIS 1 GAME WITHOUT GAY DUDES please this site has lost my appreciation for the fact that its  full of lgbt and no more new hetero game


It was just a question and I said the game was great like that. There's no need to REACT LIKE THAT :(

Hey team benio when would your next update be?

Deleted post

Pretty good, but it has a few glitches. Some of the story flags (as they're called in other games) are a tad bit glitchy, but nothing you can't work around.

Glitches: When I was first exploring the town, I went to Poe's shop first, and after I went to the tavern, Eros greeted me like I had gone to the tavern for the first time as well.
After interacting with Talia's shop and getting the message that I should explore the town further, after doing so I interacted again and she greeted me like I had interacted with her shop before in the "explored town" state.
Some event triggers won't happen properly, like if the MILF has a cutscene trigger in the house, and her previous cutscene was in the vegetable patch, I won't be able to access it unless I enter from another area in the house, or the cutscene for paying off the lighthouse not happening if you re-interact with Elizabeth after the initial one, and needing to wait a day to initiate that cutscene again.
Also, I'm not sure if this is a glitch, but after a cutscene (most commonly in the MILF storyline), I won't be able to access the next one until the next day, even if the context is that this is happening in one day.
Clicking anywhere in the options or save menu (and probably the other children menus of the option menu) advances text.

Other feedback: It would be nice to be able to right click and have the outlines for the interactable objects appear.
Some breeding pairs don't have animations, like Cece+doggirl and all of the regular monster combinations (at least so far, I'm currently right after the paying off the lighthouse cutscene).
It would be nice to have a chat log in case you accidentally skip over a line of dialogue.

Also, I'm not sure what amount of money I need to pay at the end of the 30 days, if they said it once, I don't remember.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey Bieno (or Team Bieno), i had an idea to do something that i think no one have already done before, that is to interview Small NSFW game creators on a call (Discord) and make a video off of that to Youtube, yet i can't quite say it would work, but i think it is something that could help both sides. What do you think? I am willing to try It.

Where can i find someone to talk about the light house? I went everywhere but there is no one to talk about it


In the church there is the girl you need to talk

When will the web version be updated?

Does anyone know when  v0.3.2 comes for Android?

It crashes on android as soon as I reach the main menu

So like i love this game and i play it on android but it crashes waayy to much is there a way to fix it or should i wait for the next update?

The game has nothing to do about it, you can clean your phone or delete some apps to run the app smoothly

How do you get monsters with stats higher than D? They never show up in the shop

When would the next update be available.

Deleted post


how do i unlock the 14th scene in the gallery?

(1 edit)

Try to ignore cece for couple of days go to the tavern at night and talk to Eros ( I go after I depleted mc energy to 0 and had worked for a few days at the tavern. maybe it not the requirement for the scene ). Exit and enter the alley next to the tavern and enjoy cece's lesbo scene.


How did you get more then 1 shift at the tavern

Hello I would really love it if you can update the online WebGL version pls and tysm

Yes please

Are riko and cece the only romanceables in the game for mobile right now?

Deleted post

How can i get more gold?


when youre at the farm in the top-right of your screen there is a question mark icon on a wooden board. Click it and you can see the orders for monsters, basically you can sell a specific monster type of minimum level (ex cat girl level 7+) to the order for gold.

Loved it!!!! Need more!

I am so very sorry... Really wanted to play that game. My device is HUAWEI Y6s. Game starts normally. Then after 5-10 mins hangs. Dialogue windows and action windows disappear. Amm characters move mouths but nothing else. Then when scene ends, characters disappear and all you can see is a location picture. Nothing changes. Tried both versions 0.20 and 0.30... No difference... Pity

Does your phone have play store? 

Sure. It has. Why? 


Also people are saying to start katylin's story to go to the guest house 

How do i get there

Deleted post
(1 edit)

How do i unlock the cece love scenes

Is it at Eros Tavern?

Be in town at night after first month I think.

geat game but how to unlock the last scene


came for the porn,

stayed for the cece love plot


This la si true, Veces Best girl

Hello again lads. Just wondering, is there any way to get grey or black males? I'm trying to get red, grey, and black Elves but unless I can get a male to take that color I don't think it's possible. 

Enjoying the game very much!

Deleted 4 years ago
I can't figure out how to get the  missing scene in the attached image or the final scene in the gallery next to Rika BJ. Please assist. (V0.3.2)

I got it just by sleeping After the  missionary. Idk if its quaranteed to get the scene.

After the lighthouse incident i think, go sleep and rika will come eventually on your room. Btw how to get cece scene beside the missing scene of yours? 

play blackout with Cece and Eros in the Tavern and let Eros win

Deleted 4 years ago
(3 edits) (+1)

after taking rika to the date there is the dialogue that you should be more nice to her. the next day go to the town visit Elizabeth and donate for the lighthouse restoration then go home to take rika to the town for the announcement about the restoration. go to sleep for the day to trigger the scene. 

Deleted 4 years ago

While playing blackout. I only got to the kissing scene and I played more than 60 mathes. Think I drank 30. How do I progress. Or do I stop and do something else?

(1 edit)

How can I get the last two scenes in the last part of the gallery (the characters not monsters) (v.3.2)

Is the brothel in v.0.3.2 i cant find it but Eros mentions it.

I think it's a hint that you can build monster brothel in the farm in the future updates ( or maybe not )


Loving the game so far! Great artwork/animation with smooth game mechanics, seriously great job!

Here's some feedback/suggestions! ^_^


  • Stats menu for monsters says: "DEX: Reduces Energy cots<- should be Cost
  • Very early in game dialogue, Katelyn says: "Okay, here we are. feat your eyes upon..." <- should be FEAST your eyes upon.

General feedback

  • After a Successful Mating it would help to be able to see the stats and skills of the parents to see whether the offspring is an improvement or not.
  • Breeding Pit should remember the last two selected monsters so you don't have to keep re-selecting the 2 that you're actively farming each time you re-open the menu, get's quite tedious with no real immersion gained.
  • Allowing Escape Key to close menus in the game.
  • Adding Key binds for our one-handed players out there ;)
    • "Skip Day"
    • Dialogue Options: 1,2,3,4
    • Home, Barn, Pit, Garden could just be 1,2,3,4
  • Locking Arbitrary Parts of the Map at night: eg. Poe's Shop, Talia's shop, Clothing Store. I I found myself running circles looking for the right place to be to prompt story progression.
  • Voiced Characters is a great addition but the actual takes were a bit cheesy. Just a bit TOO sexy/sultry.. it sounded over-acted. Depends how much it's costing the studio to add it I suppose, really not a big deal but it's just my opinion.
  • Will there be a way to add Traits to Cece and the MC? I never ended up using MC or Cece because they were far less efficient at breeding :( I have Monsters with 6 Traits all level 4... making the MC redundant.
  • Some Counter/Indicator of when Talia's inventory will next update (same as next payment due counter idea).
  • Not being able to select Monster Barn, Breeding Pit or House from the Veggie Garden is a little tedious.
  • No Red Elf Hair when there's a Red Wolf and Red Bull, I think it took me about 200 attempts before I conceded "it's probably not just a rare table roll."

All up, fantastic game, rated it 5/5. Art is great, Anim is great, Code seems smooth, Game loads and saves fast, plays fast.

If you want any music for free, hmu. I can make Piano/Strings/Rock/Metal/Folk/Country, some wierd ambient stuff and a little bit of EDM/pop/electro.

Anyone know how to get the middle pic? (ver. 0.3.2)

Deleted 4 years ago

So I really think you guys should consider starting up a Patreon account.  Love the game and was surprised at how much better it has gotten.  Definitely look forward to more updates!

They do!

Oh My.  Thank you for this important information! lol

well I can’t enter any bloody building without it lagging me back to start game

And I pretty sure you need to Enter the tavern to start the game

I can’t enter the tavern without it restarting the game it’s sucks any one have a tip

Any one know how to get rid of the look at all games by bino or follow bino bc I can’t push the x on my tablet without getting sent to another place and having to load back in and that takes forever

umm can you play the browser version without wifi

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