hello. which scene is the last one in the gallery? the one next to Rika BJ? (btw if you want access to the monster scenes in the gallery just click on right again on that page)
Hello, can someone tell me how to get the bottom left scene on the second page and the second scene on the third page? Also, how do you get the breeding animations to show up in the gallery?
Its scene where you choses serum for Pal. If you pick Lust serum, she (Talia) will give you scene. I think is it left one. You can start new game and skip to the mission for him. (PC)
No, but you can start new game and skip to blackjack. Just skip to the moment when you find Cece in town and trigger blackjack. Dont worry. You shouldn't loses your saves. Just dont save this one. You will have the scene in your gallery.
I recently found a glitch in the 0.32 ver. For Android and for some reason some of the textures bug out and this ends up closing the game unless you save. This is a minor issue in my opinion but it would be cool to have it patched. I dont thing there is an issue with the pc version so its just for Android. Pls fix and thank you!
Hi, i neeed help with these pictures. Im in 211 day and i dont know how to get them. Im playin on pc 0.32. Btw is there chance i can get another chance for blackjack minigame? I cannot enter to guest house or there living room to meet them. Thx for help
for the combo anims you're missing you need to raise each of the previous girls' affection to unlock them (ex) raise cece affection to ~330 same for catgirl, doggirl and elf
Both on the top are when you're peeping at the farm owners. Bottom middle is after your date with cece at the woods, i think...cuz that's what's in mine... And yes, how did you get the bottom left?
Kudos, Team Bieno. Your use of animated figures is a definite cut above the flood of RenPy games with Daz3D models.
What I want to see from Breeding Farm is more interaction - an ability to talk to most, if not all, of the characters at any point. Specifically, I should be able to find and talk to Katelyn or Rika most of the time.
I think they're more talking about knowing at what point they're done with the currently available content - though that's a bit difficult to specify, since there might be a lot of smaller things that the player might not have seen yet.
On the other hand, this game does have some serious story content as well (though not to an excessive amount).
It seems like Cece or Eros overdraw even after they got a blackjack if you also have a blackjack. it seems a bit weird and probably a bug, or it could be a strange way of avoiding erorrs? Eitherway I think at somepoint a double blackjack should have some unique dialouge at least. Maybe making the one who hasn't a blackjack drink all 3 glasses.
I have just past the first monthly payment, speeding through most of the days. I can't find any more content, and i can't find like ANY content with Rika or Katelyn, only the shower scenes. Also Elizabeth's forest quest wont let me accept it, it just make me say ill think about it. The only gallery scene i have not unlocked is page 1, picture 4. Where is that unlocked?
So, i am missing 2 of the gallery items the very last one and the first one on the bottom of the second page. Any tips for how to get them? And i cant wait for the next update. I hope we get to do more with the elves
Anyone else having the problem of the Text box disappearing and i cant read what they are saying? i just started the game for the first time and i am excited to play
Hey, if it's at beginning maybe just download/start it again. When youre playing on PC, maybe you came on the spacebar or right clicked it, becuase when ya do it, it happend what ya say. If ya play on android then just just download it again. If it won't work, then just wait for the next update maybe! ^^
I think it was the card game with Cece and Eros. You need to go the town at night and go a little bit around. You should trigger then a event with Cece. Now you need to talk a little bit with her until you get the option that you want to hang out. You need to go to the tavern and win enough rounds. I needed 17 hands to get all 4 or 5 scenes there, if it help you. ^^
Actually, follow up question. I downloaded the game after deleting it a while back. But the new, clean download still had my old save data in it??? How is this possible?
I think this game is definitely one of, if not the best. The only thing im bothered by is that some animations are not yet implemented (such aasany other monster besides the male wolf or whatever its called.) Now i have played both the pc and Android versions of the game and in the android version, the game sometimes crashes losing all unsaved progress.
All in all i hope this turns out to be fixed in the next updates and if you're reading this team bieno, i want you to know that you've made a great game!
i can not unlock image 10 on gallery, i currently play the latest version on android (so 0.30). i've read that is a bar scene with cece and eros but i can't find the combination winner/losers to unlock it, help plzz ^^
Hey, you just need to go in the evening in the town and go somewhere and then go back again. You should trigger the event with Cece that you want to hang out with her(you need to talk with her a little bit befor). After that you can click that you want to go to the tavern. Now you just need to win sometimes and you should get sometimes one or two events. In the tavern are 4 scenes with Cece and Eros, I think it was. I just needed 17 hands to get all 4 scenes. Oh and, of course you need to download the game from this site. So, I hope that helped a little bit. When not then just wait for the next upadte. ^^
I think the Team know's that and is trying to work on it. If ya read some comments, then you can see that the android version was maybe bring to early out. I think the smartest you can do, is to trink tea, wait and lean back. ^^
Well, normally you have these options when ya clicking "ESC", clicking on the gear or right at the bottom of the text you should have there more options with "save" and "load". I hope I could help ^^
i did some level grinding to get xp monsters and some traits all on the same monsters, i'm on day 205 and i no longer get breeder quests nor does anything new come up
Yeah, thats "normal" because it's in a early phase and the Dev-Team is making updates every, nearly second month. You can see it is in development, when you check the "logs" at their site and you can see it, if you click on "more informations" at the status. Only thing you can do is lean back and wait. ^^
I think that you have to wait for the next update, because it's in an early phase and you see that content- and bug-fix-updates are coming nearly every second month. So, just take ya tea or coffee and wait for the next update! ^^
The game is awesome! I dunno why some of the comments here are so negative. The game's in its early stages, it's a given! I hope the team continues to make this game because it's by far the greatest game I've played. Btw how do you stop the rotation of the game on android? I have my cellphone on rotation lock but the game keeps rotating
Hey, I read ya comment and I like it that you're a another opinion than the must android-user here. I am sorry, but I can't help you with ya problem. I am a PC-User/player and I think the smartest to do is just drinking some tea and waiting for the next update! ^^
I don't know how much people are behind this game but it's fantastic! I love the graphic, the characters, the "backround" Story that you are a stranded person with a memeryloss. I love everything of it and it's a good start for me in the year 2021! Befor I start with my ideas for the next update, I was going through the comments and saw some negatives comments that came from Android/Smartphone-User. What I want to say, focus first maybe on the PC/Mac/Linux User which, I think so, are the most of the people are playing this game. Maybe give the PC/... Users the attantion und work by the way at the game. So, after I talked and talked here comes my ideas for the next updates:
-maybe 2 or 3 more "Should I look?"/"Take a risk?"-scenes.
-in the "Main"house, where Katelyn, etc. lives, you can go in the room of Katelyn and in the bathroom, where you can go take a bath and maybe Rika, Cece and Katelyn can join or this time it is turned and you get strung by Rika, Katelyn or Cece.
-Katelyn gets her own "story"/"chapter" like her mum just that she is shyer and "chaoticer" with her feelings, because she is a young lady which, looks like, never had a boyfriend, maybe take a little bit more time to get her.
-if you want to start the "mission"/"chapter" of Katelyn you can find her at the guest house, where she is trying to repair some of the house and you are talking with her a little, goes at the next day maybe with her at the (mentioned) lake and you get her know a bit more and at the end they're a couple. Or a another idea for the Katelyn chapter is, Rika says to her that she can send him to her if she want, so maybe you go sleep and goes down in the living room, where you find Rika and Katelyn talking about something, but you don't know it at that point. They notice you, stopped talking and Rika says something like "speaking of the devil. Here is he". Katelyn is getting a little blushing and leaves. Rika is asking you to help her at the vegetable patch. You can say Yes or No(doing it later) and, if you helped her and talked with her a little bit at the vegetable patch, you can ask what the talked earlier. Rika says something like "Nothing, Nothing" and ask you if you could visit Katelyn this evening in her room (accross from the room of Rika(if the idea with the rooms going through)), because she is feeling sick or just need somebody to talk, idk. You visit her in the evening in her room, where you can talk a little bit with her and flirt a little bit. You have 3 or 4 quest with her, where you learn Katelyn near, and at the end there are maybe 2 or more H-scenes with her. How to trigger these scenes? Maybe when youre going to sleep and she is visiting you or you was with her in the tavern, drank to much and brank her in the bed, where she says that she is very lustful right now, or she wants that you take with her a bath, where you can touch her a little bit, she is getting lustful and is wentting with you in her room.
-Elizabeth gets her own "chapter" or you can/must help her, because she knews something bad about you , whereby you get her trust and occasionally you can flatter, and at the end you wrapped her around the finger and she will not tell it the queen/everyone.
-Eros lost a ring or something significant to her she lost ask you to help to get it back or find it and when you get it, she will reward you.
-add on the map a lake to fishing/swimming or met maybe new characters.
-add on the map maybe a beach or the lighthouse that got repaired.
- what if it could exist a "couple function"? You still can do it with the other but you're hang out more with you're girlfriend or unlock another "missions" thereby.
Conclusion on my part: I would to be very nice and fantastic, if the game is getting new locations, more interaction at the "Farm-/Mainhouse" (where you woked up), new rooms in the "Mainhouse" and Katelyn get's a own "chapter" (see last mentioned ideas in terms of "Farmhouse" and Katelyn) where you have 2 or 3 H-scenes. (And yes I prefer Katelyn)
Storyidea: We know about the "Elve-problem" and they need our help. The Elves are happy that everything works good and the player get one (or maybe more wishes when he is helping more the Elves) wish and you can flirt with Yuku. Some days later you beginn to "flirt" with Katelyn and wanted the next morning to use your wish by the Elves. Cece(or another character) gets that(they're flirting), is getting jealous and angry, because maybe she had a crush on her on him very strong, or she get's because of anything else in that mood, and went in the tavern. She is getting very drunk and talked meanwhile with Eros a little bit about that. A person, who walked past at the table, heard that and went to the queen or Elizabeth to say it her/him in hope of getting a reward or something. The queen/Elizabeth flipped out and send very much troops to this place. At the next morning Yuku knocked at the door of the Breeding Farm and reported everything (for example they got captured). Everyone, so Cece, Katelyn, Rika and the player, is shocked and want to help. Now you have 2 things to find out:First, Who went to the queen/Elizabeth? And Second, from what person or how did he/she found that out? Now you have to determine a little bit and maybe play sometimes your charm. In the meanwhile you are determine, you can still do other things. When you're finished to determine, you find out that Cece was too drunk and talked a bit to loud and now you have to find the person who betray them. After a little asking you find that person in the tavern or on the market. You and the person are going in the guest house on the Breeding Farm and you, Katelyn, Rika and Cece interrogate him. The persons is remembering to a personal description which fits on you. The person is talking and you get a little memory back. Anyways, now you have to flatter Elizabeth and play a little charme to wickle her around your finger. After some H-scenes you order her to convince the queen to let the Elves free.
I hope that brought some ideas and of course you can use my ideas as yours! PS: I am sorry for my grammatically poor English and I'm gonna edit it, if I have some more ideas.
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hello. which scene is the last one in the gallery? the one next to Rika BJ? (btw if you want access to the monster scenes in the gallery just click on right again on that page)
Hello, can someone tell me how to get the bottom left scene on the second page and the second scene on the third page? Also, how do you get the breeding animations to show up in the gallery?
1) is there a guide anywhere
2) where is the gallery
3) do you have to download to update game
Its scene where you choses serum for Pal. If you pick Lust serum, she (Talia) will give you scene. I think is it left one. You can start new game and skip to the mission for him. (PC)
Oh sry, Is it scene with Cece. You and Cece must loses against Eros in blackjack, She will give you scene.
How did you get the bottom right one? Kinda lost on how to get that
How did you get the middle scene under Eros' frame??
Is it possible to trigger blackjack again?
No, but you can start new game and skip to blackjack. Just skip to the moment when you find Cece in town and trigger blackjack. Dont worry. You shouldn't loses your saves. Just dont save this one. You will have the scene in your gallery.
make sure you got into the house and kitchen every so often and help at the garden
I have the same question as SharkCzar
I'm still on version 0.15 how do I play on the newest version and do I need to use a new file?
Is the newest version only available as a download? That might make sense but IDK if the web version is only 0.15 ver
Also some gay scenes would be cool
I recently found a glitch in the 0.32 ver. For Android and for some reason some of the textures bug out and this ends up closing the game unless you save. This is a minor issue in my opinion but it would be cool to have it patched. I dont thing there is an issue with the pc version so its just for Android. Pls fix and thank you!
how do I fulfill the contracts
how did you get it to show the monster combos?
Try all monsters. You+cat/dog/Cece/Elf/Cow and Cece+Cat, Worewolf+Cow/Cat.
I cannot found missing combinations, You must have turn on ''show animations''
for the combo anims you're missing you need to raise each of the previous girls' affection to unlock them (ex) raise cece affection to ~330 same for catgirl, doggirl and elf
lost a blackjack for eros, and Cece will give you a lap dance
cant find thes imigis how do i get them
how did you get the one in the bottom left
Both on the top are when you're peeping at the farm owners. Bottom middle is after your date with cece at the woods, i think...cuz that's what's in mine... And yes, how did you get the bottom left?
You get it when you need to check what serum is what (when you need to give a serum to Poe) and select the right serum
i am missing imige 2 3 and 4 how do i get them
All three require you to play blackjack. Two of them require you to win while the third one needs you and Eros to lose
The artwork is 10/10. Gameplay 10/10 Everything 10/10
Kudos, Team Bieno. Your use of animated figures is a definite cut above the flood of RenPy games with Daz3D models.
What I want to see from Breeding Farm is more interaction - an ability to talk to most, if not all, of the characters at any point. Specifically, I should be able to find and talk to Katelyn or Rika most of the time.
Missing the last gallery image on page 1 and not sure how to get it, anyone able to help?
I'm missing these 2 gallery images, help me please?
Both require you to play more blackjack. One needs both you and Eros to lose, and the other needs you to win
How did u get the middle scene on page two??
pretty sure most people people dont play this kinda game for the story but rather the smut
I think they're more talking about knowing at what point they're done with the currently available content - though that's a bit difficult to specify, since there might be a lot of smaller things that the player might not have seen yet.
On the other hand, this game does have some serious story content as well (though not to an excessive amount).
It seems like Cece or Eros overdraw even after they got a blackjack if you also have a blackjack. it seems a bit weird and probably a bug, or it could be a strange way of avoiding erorrs? Eitherway I think at somepoint a double blackjack should have some unique dialouge at least. Maybe making the one who hasn't a blackjack drink all 3 glasses.
I can't get out this screen.
Wow, this was really good. Hope you keep working on it
In 0.3.2 version on Windows, I can't seem to find how to unlock the last gallery item. Any suggestions?
I have just past the first monthly payment, speeding through most of the days. I can't find any more content, and i can't find like ANY content with Rika or Katelyn, only the shower scenes. Also Elizabeth's forest quest wont let me accept it, it just make me say ill think about it. The only gallery scene i have not unlocked is page 1, picture 4. Where is that unlocked?
Same problem here
So, i am missing 2 of the gallery items the very last one and the first one on the bottom of the second page. Any tips for how to get them? And i cant wait for the next update. I hope we get to do more with the elves
How do I move data from Browser to Download version? I basically finished the game and don't want to lose everything
Anyone else having the problem of the Text box disappearing and i cant read what they are saying? i just started the game for the first time and i am excited to play
Hey, if it's at beginning maybe just download/start it again. When youre playing on PC, maybe you came on the spacebar or right clicked it, becuase when ya do it, it happend what ya say. If ya play on android then just just download it again. If it won't work, then just wait for the next update maybe! ^^
Im missing the two gallery scenes from the 3rd page does anyone know how to unlock them
I think it was the card game with Cece and Eros. You need to go the town at night and go a little bit around. You should trigger then a event with Cece. Now you need to talk a little bit with her until you get the option that you want to hang out. You need to go to the tavern and win enough rounds. I needed 17 hands to get all 4 or 5 scenes there, if it help you. ^^
im at over 100 hands and only have two scenes
Looks great! When will the WebGL version of the game be updated? Will it be updated? Thanks!
Actually, follow up question. I downloaded the game after deleting it a while back. But the new, clean download still had my old save data in it??? How is this possible?
I think this game is definitely one of, if not the best. The only thing im bothered by is that some animations are not yet implemented (such aasany other monster besides the male wolf or whatever its called.) Now i have played both the pc and Android versions of the game and in the android version, the game sometimes crashes losing all unsaved progress.
All in all i hope this turns out to be fixed in the next updates and if you're reading this team bieno, i want you to know that you've made a great game!
i can not unlock image 10 on gallery, i currently play the latest version on android (so 0.30). i've read that is a bar scene with cece and eros but i can't find the combination winner/losers to unlock it, help plzz ^^
Hey, you just need to go in the evening in the town and go somewhere and then go back again. You should trigger the event with Cece that you want to hang out with her(you need to talk with her a little bit befor). After that you can click that you want to go to the tavern. Now you just need to win sometimes and you should get sometimes one or two events. In the tavern are 4 scenes with Cece and Eros, I think it was. I just needed 17 hands to get all 4 scenes. Oh and, of course you need to download the game from this site. So, I hope that helped a little bit. When not then just wait for the next upadte. ^^
Game was getting good but unfortunately the android version has a huge bug. I cant load my saved game. Loading screen never pops up.
I think the Team know's that and is trying to work on it. If ya read some comments, then you can see that the android version was maybe bring to early out. I think the smartest you can do, is to trink tea, wait and lean back. ^^
how do i goto my save game in browser mod
Well, normally you have these options when ya clicking "ESC", clicking on the gear or right at the bottom of the text you should have there more options with "save" and "load". I hope I could help ^^
i did some level grinding to get xp monsters and some traits all on the same monsters, i'm on day 205 and i no longer get breeder quests nor does anything new come up
Yeah, thats "normal" because it's in a early phase and the Dev-Team is making updates every, nearly second month. You can see it is in development, when you check the "logs" at their site and you can see it, if you click on "more informations" at the status. Only thing you can do is lean back and wait. ^^
help! what do i do no contracts are showing up anymore i cant make moneeeey
I think that you have to wait for the next update, because it's in an early phase and you see that content- and bug-fix-updates are coming nearly every second month. So, just take ya tea or coffee and wait for the next update! ^^
The game is awesome! I dunno why some of the comments here are so negative. The game's in its early stages, it's a given! I hope the team continues to make this game because it's by far the greatest game I've played. Btw how do you stop the rotation of the game on android? I have my cellphone on rotation lock but the game keeps rotating
Hey, I read ya comment and I like it that you're a another opinion than the must android-user here. I am sorry, but I can't help you with ya problem. I am a PC-User/player and I think the smartest to do is just drinking some tea and waiting for the next update! ^^
I don't know how much people are behind this game but it's fantastic! I love the graphic, the characters, the "backround" Story that you are a stranded person with a memeryloss. I love everything of it and it's a good start for me in the year 2021! Befor I start with my ideas for the next update, I was going through the comments and saw some negatives comments that came from Android/Smartphone-User. What I want to say, focus first maybe on the PC/Mac/Linux User which, I think so, are the most of the people are playing this game. Maybe give the PC/... Users the attantion und work by the way at the game. So, after I talked and talked here comes my ideas for the next updates:
-maybe 2 or 3 more "Should I look?"/"Take a risk?"-scenes.
-in the "Main"house, where Katelyn, etc. lives, you can go in the room of Katelyn and in the bathroom, where you can go take a bath and maybe Rika, Cece and Katelyn can join or this time it is turned and you get strung by Rika, Katelyn or Cece.
-Katelyn gets her own "story"/"chapter" like her mum just that she is shyer and "chaoticer" with her feelings, because she is a young lady which, looks like, never had a boyfriend, maybe take a little bit more time to get her.
-if you want to start the "mission"/"chapter" of Katelyn you can find her at the guest house, where she is trying to repair some of the house and you are talking with her a little, goes at the next day maybe with her at the (mentioned) lake and you get her know a bit more and at the end they're a couple.
Or a another idea for the Katelyn chapter is, Rika says to her that she can send him to her if she want, so maybe you go sleep and goes down in the living room, where you find Rika and Katelyn talking about something, but you don't know it at that point. They notice you, stopped talking and Rika says something like "speaking of the devil. Here is he". Katelyn is getting a little blushing and leaves. Rika is asking you to help her at the vegetable patch. You can say Yes or No(doing it later) and, if you helped her and talked with her a little bit at the vegetable patch, you can ask what the talked earlier. Rika says something like "Nothing, Nothing" and ask you if you could visit Katelyn this evening in her room (accross from the room of Rika(if the idea with the rooms going through)), because she is feeling sick or just need somebody to talk, idk. You visit her in the evening in her room, where you can talk a little bit with her and flirt a little bit. You have 3 or 4 quest with her, where you learn Katelyn near, and at the end there are maybe 2 or more H-scenes with her. How to trigger these scenes? Maybe when youre going to sleep and she is visiting you or you was with her in the tavern, drank to much and brank her in the bed, where she says that she is very lustful right now, or she wants that you take with her a bath, where you can touch her a little bit, she is getting lustful and is wentting with you in her room.
-Elizabeth gets her own "chapter" or you can/must help her, because she knews something bad about you , whereby you get her trust and occasionally you can flatter, and at the end you wrapped her around the finger and she will not tell it the queen/everyone.
-Eros lost a ring or something significant to her she lost ask you to help to get it back or find it and when you get it, she will reward you.
-add on the map a lake to fishing/swimming or met maybe new characters.
-add on the map maybe a beach or the lighthouse that got repaired.
- what if it could exist a "couple function"? You still can do it with the other but you're hang out more with you're girlfriend or unlock another "missions" thereby.
Conclusion on my part: I would to be very nice and fantastic, if the game is getting new locations, more interaction at the "Farm-/Mainhouse" (where you woked up), new rooms in the "Mainhouse" and Katelyn get's a own "chapter" (see last mentioned ideas in terms of "Farmhouse" and Katelyn) where you have 2 or 3 H-scenes. (And yes I prefer Katelyn)
We know about the "Elve-problem" and they need our help. The Elves are happy that everything works good and the player get one (or maybe more wishes when he is helping more the Elves) wish and you can flirt with Yuku. Some days later you beginn to "flirt" with Katelyn and wanted the next morning to use your wish by the Elves. Cece(or another character) gets that(they're flirting), is getting jealous and angry, because maybe she had a crush on her on him very strong, or she get's because of anything else in that mood, and went in the tavern. She is getting very drunk and talked meanwhile with Eros a little bit about that. A person, who walked past at the table, heard that and went to the queen or Elizabeth to say it her/him in hope of getting a reward or something. The queen/Elizabeth flipped out and send very much troops to this place. At the next morning Yuku knocked at the door of the Breeding Farm and reported everything (for example they got captured). Everyone, so Cece, Katelyn, Rika and the player, is shocked and want to help. Now you have 2 things to find out:First, Who went to the queen/Elizabeth? And Second, from what person or how did he/she found that out? Now you have to determine a little bit and maybe play sometimes your charm. In the meanwhile you are determine, you can still do other things. When you're finished to determine, you find out that Cece was too drunk and talked a bit to loud and now you have to find the person who betray them. After a little asking you find that person in the tavern or on the market. You and the person are going in the guest house on the Breeding Farm and you, Katelyn, Rika and Cece interrogate him. The persons is remembering to a personal description which fits on you. The person is talking and you get a little memory back. Anyways, now you have to flatter Elizabeth and play a little charme to wickle her around your finger. After some H-scenes you order her to convince the queen to let the Elves free.
I hope that brought some ideas and of course you can use my ideas as yours!
PS: I am sorry for my grammatically poor English and I'm gonna edit it, if I have some more ideas.