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Was this updated recently? back after a long time would love to play more. 

Yes, the last update was 24/11/24

Hi masters, I have a problem with a bug in the scene with Rika and Cecilia. When the scene changes after their sex. The screen goes black and freezes, or the game crashes completely. I have Huawei EMUI v12.0.0

Please help me. 😊


Abandoned game


no just updated on their patreon

It hasn't been updated in a couple of months. Doesn't mean it's dead.



does anyone know how to start Katelyn's quest?

how do you make money, i cant figure it out

sell your girls by pressing the sign with the ? in the top right when in farm menu

Im enjoying the game so far, but I keep running into a bug where I go to sleep at night and the game freezes. It shows the image of the bedroom at night, but it wont advance to the next day. (Running on Mac).

There is a bug when comes no matter which mates l pick game says cecialy is currant ly unavaible

Can someone tell me how to unlock scene 2 from page 3 and scene 6 from page 6? Or how to play as a woman, because either I missed something or there is such an option in the breeding menu in the main menu and I missed it in the game

or how to unlock the threesome with cecilia and the monster girl? I have 1000 affection with both and I still can't get this animation in the game

reminds me suspiciously of breeding season for which is a similar game on android made 7? years ago

en que idiomas esta

I don't even know how to advnace questlines at all! 💀

How can I get Talia's first scene?

Talia only has one scene. After a few days go and talk to Poe. One prompt should be to ask him how he feels. He'll say he's down, come back the next fay and ask again. He'll tell you Talia was making him a potion to help. Go talk to Talia and she'll have you try one of two potions. Make a save here and select one potion (the left one?) Leads your character to get insanely horny and Talia will take you downstairs to fuck her ass. Afterwards you select a potion to give Poe. Neither matters. That's the only scene I know of that involves your character with her. Way later on with the elves storyline you can see her give one a blow job to gather his sperm



I had a rather disappointing bug during Yara's reward scene, as you can see below. I was in Windowed mode, but changing to Fullscreen and fiddling with other settings didn't remove the black box covering the entire scene. 


Does anyone now why the latest version doen't work on android?


Does anyone know how to advance the Jealous Girl questline? I'm assuming it's Kaityln because I've already completed the Jealous Widow line with Rika (which is apparently bugged because I'm seeing it twice. One complete and one not).

I would also like some info on this mines done the same thing

Very good game, i dont know tho what does the orange moon and dna attribute does tho, also increase the monster limit, and please fix the quests, im stuck at "The Village Present"

Check the living room. The elf girl should take you to the elven village

Why is there so many Android Version for example 0.7.1 the latest I think and the others 0.3.0 & 0.21 so which one is real?

Yooo is the android version okay?


is anyone else struggling to actually find the quests


how do you increase Cecilia's affection points?


there's voice option in the setting but i dont see no voice in the game ?

It only applies to specific scenes currently and only triggers if you're going down Katelyn's mom's romance route 

Is there any new cheats for 7.1?


I'm playing the Breeding Farm v.0.7.1 - PC version.

So I love so much about this game, it's very fun, but there are a few issues that are preventing me from proceeding.  

First, it's impossible to skip individual animation scenes by clicking through them, you basically have to set the skip everything setting and then clicking the skip button on dialogue skips through the whole scene rather than just that specific animation/text bubble.  Let me skip text and animations individually, which doesn't create an issue of bypassing content by accident if you implement point two as well.

Second, you can't rewind.  A lot of renPy games (I know this isn't renPy, but many games with similar styles use renPy) allow you to go back in dialogue/choice presentation (usually by scrolling), which is nice if you skip through a dialogue that you didn't mean to, eg by an accidental click.  This also helps with player comprehension and ability to find the best moment in a scene.

Third, I'm running into issues where characters (it has happened with both Eros and Rika) get stuck in an animation for a long time and I have to quit out of the game, losing progress.  So also an autosave function would be nice as well.

Fixing issues one and two would be nice, but I would still like and recommend the game.  Issue three however, when combined with one and two and no autosave, makes the game unplayable.  So basically I'm going to set the game down for now, and hope for a bugfix and QOL patch/release at some point.


Addictive game, even though buggy sometimes, it's clear that the developers are passionate about this project, looking forward to new content. Massive thanks for keeping 2d alive.

Why are there some skills without a description 


How do i complete "the village's present" quest, after fulfilling the elfs orders?


Having the same problem

Check the living room. Raya should be there waiting with Kaitlyn. She'll take you back to the elven village



Is there futa or some sort of futa option in this game?

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