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It's cool and all, but boy does the mobile version run like a cripple


İs this a dead game?





no you have to Find their patreon for the 6.1 public release


You can check out f95 they got all versions

wheres that?

Just search up in google: "Breeding Farm f95" however you need an account to view and download stuff

I have an issue with version 6 my monsters after they reach level 100 stop having children with stats


Ois there some fix for this

new update when

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Where the fuck do i got to meet katelyn for katelyn quest?

hey I have the game downloaded on windows 10 but how do I run/play it.

unzip the file with a program like 7zip to a location of your choosing. After the zip file is unzipped go to the location you extracted the files to then run the games application file.

(1 edit)

Any transformation element in this game or in the newer versions?



How the hell do i finish hunting dragons quest, I'm currently at the part where u need to win Elizabeth over but idk how

is this still geetting updated?


Not on Itch, but they post free and paid updates on patreon.

thx! can i ask u more?

Sure, I don't know much tho lol

oh few thing, there are only 4 missions? or maybe u know how to unlok the gallery scenes (no monster breed)

I have no clue, I haven't played in a long time and I forgot a lot of the stuff in the game

how do you access gallery

how do you get the license to breed


To team_bieno I accidentally gave away your elf that I received, I want to ask if you can get a new elf, if not you can do it so that after a certain number of days you don't breed the elfin anymore, then she comes The elf you first met comes to the farm to ask how the elf is doing

Deleted 1 year ago

The web version is outdated and doesn't have much content, you need to download the latest version to play and enjoy.

is the project dead?

(1 edit) (+6)

As far as I know, no, they're just not updating on anymore, here is a link to their most recent version:

Thanks for sharing that! 

ty couldnt find this update

this keeps poping up what does this mean

(1 edit)

also my gallery for the NPC’s only goes to page 3 is that all?

is the full game on itch.Io or is that only in pattern because I can’t get most of the scenes to trigger 

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how i delete old saves? i don't want to sobreescribe them, i want to erase them. i'm talking about the newest version (0.6.1)

im having a problem with no sound in alot of games i download and run through steam

how can i do the "katlyn?" quest?

There are quite a few bugs so far with the "Dynamite Duo" mission and the following missions (Rika Part 2, Cécilia Part 2, Suprise 1 which doesn't trigger). But, before we get to the promising game, carry on and cheer up !

I'm currently on the elf quest but for me it doesn't trigger any events, do you have any idea what I need to do?


Try to get to the forest before triggering at night, then activate it. Otherwise, force triggering by pressing TAB and writing: var .

From the commands console, you can edit values for quests, resources and relationship levels.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Or does the story just not continue for now? Bc I got the volunteer and donated a lot of the elves but still nothing really happens


Yes, that's right. We have to be patient for now.


anyone elses game freeze after trying to sleep on the 100th night of the newest version?


yes, I have the same problem


I'd love to be a Voice actor for this game :)

how many times do i have to play the game at the bar to get all the scenes, cause i played it over 100 times and still missing some scenes

dead game?


Not dead dead, but it does update very slowly. Check  Bieno's patreon for updates. The most recent version is .6 and is open to the public. You will have to download it though


Is this the latest type or update of the game (I want to play the latest version in the web)

Is there any way to move my mobile save over to pc?

No from what I know


We ever going to get an update for this because the one you have on Android is constantly crashing

Guys what i have to do next in "Rika part 2"?  It say:

I keep breeding but nothing happen. 

And in "Dynamite Duo" it say: 

But when i go to bed the game just frozen, stuck at the night time bed room background. What should i do?  Do i have to finished "Rika part 2" first to do this quest? 

Thanks for listening 

Same problem...

waiting for the bug fix

i found out that the thing you can do about "Dynamite Duo" now is use v0.5 to do it then return to v0.6

I think it's the moment you spy her taking a shower (at night)

(3 edits) (+2)

What are these traits and what do they do?  The game doesn't say what they are when I scroll over them with the pointer like all the other traits... aka, they are bugged.

Is it will be a NSFW game?



when is it gonna be updated?


There is already a 0.6 Version out but just not on here. And it's got soo much better then the 0.2 Version

where is it then?

Patreon  this is 0.6

Do you have it for Android?

no sorry

do you have a mac port

i don't know sorry counld be of any help

does anyone know how to transfer a save file?

Love game, play on android . Had some graphic issues with evolved form not working. Looking fwd to updates and Rika participation.

Thanks for hard work


knock knock this game still alive? I’ve still waiting for a new update… but it seems nothing new

(1 edit)

In patreon the game is on the version 6.1


Btw the patreon version is for free , so yes , do whatever you want with this info

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I haven't played cloud meadow yet but this looks much better than that already, this feels like the actual spiritual successor to breeding season.

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