Uninstalled it, got to the part about elves and breeding them and then nothing happened afterwards, no new quests popped up and no matter how many elves I donated nothing new happened with their forest, went everywhere I could at day and night and ran into nothing new, idk if that's the end of this current build or if I missed something but one things for sure there needs to be a better quest tracker and hints on where you might need to go to activate new material
I'm on 0.5.1 because my save data got corrupt on 0.4 but I can only get to the point to give Poe the serum. I cannot find anyone else in the house or outside. I got so much further in 0.4 so I don't know if my game is bugged or what
Okay, so i'm pretty far into the game, and I'm on the dragon quest right now. I did everything right, except when I asked for church lady's hair, she said no. The book says i need to find a way to charm or convince her, but there are no new options with her when i talk to her and even when ive searched everywhere else nothing happens. Plus, cant find the witch anywhere even though i know where her house is and have visited. An older comment said you have to have answered all of her questions correctly or else youre sol, but that just seems incredibly cruel?? So i assume either my game is bugged or im missing something. Id appreciate any help!!
it's no joke you really need to answer every encounter with her correctly or she doesn't give you her hair. People have checked and if you answer incorrectly even once she doesn't give it to you. If you speed run the game you can get to that point in 25 minutes if you are lucky. Someone even played I think 60 days after to see if there would be any repeat events where you could gain affection with her. While you do interact with her you don't gain any extra affection so you have to restart and correctly answer everything to get further into the game.
i am stuck in the game Breeding Farm where we have to help building Lighthouse for Rika and its not getting over even after giving 50000 Dani for it!!!!
In 0.5.2, I have Done the intro quest, given Poe his [calming] Serum, and made a deal with the elves... so now what... I can't find any more triggers for quests, I don't know what to do.
Well you can talk with her in a few places, the vegetables garden , the kitchen, and her room , some time inside the city(only in quest) , and in a way or another you might actually activated the quest but you did not see or bulged and did not show as a quest or idk , try to go on the road behind the house at night , there is a chance you are going to hear a sound and be able to investigate to continue the story.
Not sure, Cruz when I play it I just helped when i could like quite a lot in the garden then because i like to explore i just have go through the quest, small tip, go in different places at different times , trust me
Talk to Poe to get his nightmare dialogue option, talk to Talia about the Serum, take the right hand one, [sex scene], give one of the serums to Poe, quest finished.
It's really early game, just boot a new game and get to the quest, you can complete it alongside getting your 'Breder's License' (Yes, it's literally misspelled in the game... on purpose), just remember to take the Right Hand Vial. It's the lust one.
Damn, seems like devlopers like this are still there, who only care about those who pay them, too bad, I lost some valuable internet downloading the latest ver, if only I knew how much buggy and confusing it was going to be..... honestly people, you can play it, they have latest version on patreon, 5.02 for free but the game is too confusing and there's no clue given to play it like you have to figure it all out god knows how, and there's too many bugs. So either waste 800 mb downloading it or just don't bother wasting your time, I recommend the latter
I heartily disagree, personally. And even so, paying for quality is a matter of respect; showing the dev some love and getting rewarded for it? What a quaint and novel concept. Making it free-to-play *at all* is kind of a big risk, all things considered. But that's just my 2¢. Make of it what you will.
Well, guess what? Most adult games are kinda free to play till a certain version and some very successful games have always been completely free, yet they're definitely earning 10x more money through patreon than Devs of breeding farm so I don't see the big risk anywhere.
Quick question for the game in general seeing as the Developers aren't looking on Itch, what is the limit for traits on a single monster/breeding line?
looks like the dev has stopped uploading to itch as I have found an updated version 0.5.1 on another site I really wish for the dev to upload new versions on here as itch is the best plase to go for 'fun' games ;p
Ironically, I actually *want* to offer patronage, hearing this...and when I'm able to, I plan to do just that. Once my feet are on terra firma, it's a certainty. Thank you for keeping us up to date (especially since I haven't seen the Patreon post).
(SPOILER WARNING) Honestly liked the story until the part where the main character goes simp mode for the mom after barely knowing her. After which the story turns into a clear fan service. It just makes no sense why he fell for her so heavily and did what he did for her. He has known her for maybe 2 months max depending how slow you do the story and already wants to be in a relationship? Like dude is F-ing girls and monsters on a daily but get jealous cause shes F-ing a random monster? Should of made it as they were FB and left it as that.
It would be cool to have some alternative story lines where he has a better reason for turning into a wolfman. Not because he wants to pretty much sell his soul for some farm milf he just met. Some build up towards the end of the game, where through the story your decisions with certain girls leads the main character to fall for one of them. Love the art style yea it has some clear bugs that should of been fixed but man does the Rika story line ruin the game for me. (P.S. Bring the damn Brothel back.)
No, it's Free on Patreon, they're at version 0.5.2. for the public, Patrons can get access to newer and more unstable builds if you are willing to shill out ten dollars.
I am at day 153 for some reson lol, but I want to know if the fact that I am at that day , is going to influence the game in any way when the new quest is going to get added? Like , are the events and quests happening only in specific days or something or it does not meters?
There are some weird triggers that are like really early on, the story can be beat in 53 days if you know where to look, somebody in the comments posted a Word Document for an entire guide... I can't thank him enough for it.
Please label your game as ntr. Got to the point with the unavoidable scene and made me drop the game entirely. Why give the illusion of having a choice a couple of scenes prior only to find that girl deep with someone else in another scene? The problem is not that it's there, the problem is that I was led to believe that I had the option to avoid it.
None of you bothered to read the text for the scene did you???
The werewolf in question is the player.) Although the dialogue earlier questions if you wouldn't mind her having an open relationship, has is common in games of this genre it is explicitly explained that the MC wolfing out is his territorial instincts. Don't me ask how that works, it hasn't be explained yet and likely has to do with the area the MC is from however it does.
You literally can be the only guy any girl in the series can have sex with, or not if that is your choice, there is no unavoidable ntr.
There isn't one, gooeyadodo, Nero2377, Seiisuke, and Raygha didn't read the text for the scene, and missed the fact that the werewolf in question is in fact the MC. Cheating on the MC with the MC is the simplest wording of the scenario in question.
Abyssal , in the most ironic way they actually are right , there is a scene were if I am right the mother is banging a wild wolfman , that happens right before you do her in the wolfman form . You had the option to look at tham and stay hidden or stop them .
That might be were we have a difference of stance in gaming view, for me it would have to be uninterruptable to begin to classify has ntr. actually I tend to get too irritable with terms being misused. For one has a technicality it require a fat ugly old guy for it to be ntr. If the antagonistic party is not at least two the those it would be cucking. Also has you have pointed out you can interrupt.
The basis for this is general meaning for the word ntr is an abbreviation of means the worst of the worst. While some may view interruptible scenes and take her for yourself scenes has ntr they actually have their own classification and I view it has insecure whining given the amount of times I have seen similar arguments for games with even less ground. I remember a game/visual novel mix from a few years back where people were whining about ntr, the situation being a scene in which the Mc's gf gets drunk at a party and a rival of some nature (I forgot what exactly) begins to grope her. The fact is the scene doesn't give you an option to let him and the MC promptly beat the snot out of said rival. NO sex no loss of clothes and yet in the comments people bitching about it being an ntr scene. Can you can see my frustration with people crying about ntr with little to no ground to call it has such and the ability to interrupt/avert a scene.
Also the the catgirl will only have sex with the monsters you make her.
Finally the last reason this seems like a pointless claim, is the originally being to add ntr has a tag... which would mean it's a primary genre, or a prevalent feature in the game... It is neither, it happens only if you make it and in one scene so far that is doubtful if it can be called an ntr scene. Make what you will of this, but I doubt the creator of the game even remembers this page exists has that last few builds have been by going to the Patreon account of the devs and getting it from there... Making this entire thread pointless, if that's the case has the game page simply won't receive further updates.
I could actually go into a major criticism of the ntr game genre, but that would be for another time.
Been a couple months along with a new update so here's the updated versions of the gallery and walkthrough for anybody who needs them.
Link to a word document where I made a log/walkthrough if anyone needs/wants to use it. Note that it isn't professionally done or anything, so it might look like shit. However it should have the steps to unlock all scenes in the gallery.
[Updated to have no issues getting the hair from Elizabeth]
[Both word links below have been updated to 0.5.1]
I can't seem to trigger the 2nd Scene with Cecilia and Eros, this is due to me being on 0.5.2, and it somehow feels... off, like how Poe is completely absent on Day 4, so I can't Speed-Run the Serum, or how after seeing Cecilia and Eros in the Tavern, I still can trigger Kaitlyn's bathroom scene the following day... making it impossible to trigger Cecilia's Second Scene... and then getting Rika's right afterward the next day... making it... once again... IMPOSSIBLE to get that damn Scene.
Hmm, interesting the most recent updates shouldn't have changed the game that much story wise and the walkthrough should be pretty accurate with a 1-2 day margin of error. I will speed run a game sometime this week(most likely on the weekend) and update the walkthrough if it is incorrect. Thanks for the heads up.
I can't seem to find the update for 0.5.2. I looked on their pateron and couldn't find it. It may be with the most recent update that it broke a lot of things for the walkthrough and I will have to redo it to be correct again. Granted looking at the comments from other people who have found the 0.5.2. update it looks like they broke a lot of things and people are having a bunch of problems they didn't use to have with the previous versions.
Thanks for letting me know. I just did a quick run through of the beginning(to day 23) and rewrote/updated all days to properly say what happens and what you should do. It looks like update 0.5.1 fucked up more then I thought. I was surprised at how much has been changed and how much harder it got to not only get money but to get the elf questline going. Even ran into a couple more bugs I didn't find when I first did the walkthrough lol. I will try and get the rest of the days updated soon.
Alright just finished the updated walkthrough... and all I can say is that the chances of anyone being able to follow it matching every detail is very low. Every time I ran through the game I would get different results and some would feel like hard mode got enabled where 90% of the guide would take 10-15 days longer to complete as the events wouldn't pop or I would be screwed on quests and have no money to be able to advance the story. Just use it as a rough guideline on how to answer the questions and not as a direct guide where if what I wrote doesn't happen you are screwed. I am not looking forward on updating the guide when they actually add more story to the game.
You have to go to Elizabeth and ask for it. However you needed to answer every option with her correctly since day 2. You will have to make a new save to get it or if you answered the day 2 options correctly and have a save before day 30 where she comes to collect and make sure you answer all options correctly then. after having both days correctly done she will willingly give the hair when asked.
ok so i have 0.5.1 is that the most reasent version also do i have to re download it everytime theres an update? also will i even be able to play it for free if it dose update?
it becomes free to play after a period of time. I haven't seen any mention of making the game pateron subscription only. yes you have to redownload it everytime. its recommended not to use any previous saves after redownloading, however this most recent update has 0 story content so it doesn't matter as you can see 90% of the new content from the main menu. lol
ok the game isnt fully out yet so the version on here is the latest i think so if you wanted to figure out when the game updates (you also have to re download the game every time it updates) you will have to look at there patreon which you can find a link somewhere so thats all i can do to help if your trying to download it you may need to look up a guide sorry i couldnt help mutch.
If you haven't figured it out already. The female character is only available in the test menu from the main menu and not for the game itself. It should take awhile to get it fully into the game as they have to update the dialog and story scenes for the new female character.
← Return to game
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Uninstalled it, got to the part about elves and breeding them and then nothing happened afterwards, no new quests popped up and no matter how many elves I donated nothing new happened with their forest, went everywhere I could at day and night and ran into nothing new, idk if that's the end of this current build or if I missed something but one things for sure there needs to be a better quest tracker and hints on where you might need to go to activate new material
i cant get the newest update since this kinda content is banned in my country rip
VPN? I mean unless you’re gonna go to jail there’s no much thay can do about it
I'm on 0.5.1 because my save data got corrupt on 0.4 but I can only get to the point to give Poe the serum. I cannot find anyone else in the house or outside. I got so much further in 0.4 so I don't know if my game is bugged or what
wait how are you on 0.5.1? patreon?
Yeah, its free on patreon
Okay, so i'm pretty far into the game, and I'm on the dragon quest right now. I did everything right, except when I asked for church lady's hair, she said no. The book says i need to find a way to charm or convince her, but there are no new options with her when i talk to her and even when ive searched everywhere else nothing happens. Plus, cant find the witch anywhere even though i know where her house is and have visited. An older comment said you have to have answered all of her questions correctly or else youre sol, but that just seems incredibly cruel?? So i assume either my game is bugged or im missing something. Id appreciate any help!!
it's no joke you really need to answer every encounter with her correctly or she doesn't give you her hair. People have checked and if you answer incorrectly even once she doesn't give it to you. If you speed run the game you can get to that point in 25 minutes if you are lucky. Someone even played I think 60 days after to see if there would be any repeat events where you could gain affection with her. While you do interact with her you don't gain any extra affection so you have to restart and correctly answer everything to get further into the game.
I can't sem to unhide well... Everything.Please help.Welp I fixed it, but I missed a lot of conversation :\ because of it.
How do you fix it?
in landscape mode, swipe with 2 fingers from top of screen to bottom.
Main menu goes Black screen, the unity and team screen goes normal but the menu screen goes Black with Just the soundtrack
Is there an sex scenes?
How to start the Katelyn quest? I can't seem to find her anywhere
how many elfs do i have to donate before the story progreses ? got my elf to like level 25
Once you unlock the elf village their questline is over. You need to advance Rika's questline.
wish there was a way ti check a history log, accidently skipped some dialog and cant go back
i am stuck in the game Breeding Farm where we have to help building Lighthouse for Rika and its not getting over even after giving 50000 Dani for it!!!!
hy u gotta pay then sleep then go to the living room then the story will continu
where can i download the v0.5.2
Patreon, it's one of the public posts in the feed.
Where? I only see 0.5.1 listed.
He made a typo. Version 0.5.1 is the latest version.
In 0.5.2, I have Done the intro quest, given Poe his [calming] Serum, and made a deal with the elves... so now what... I can't find any more triggers for quests, I don't know what to do.
Same, that's why I deleted it, there's just no clue on how to proceed....
Talk with rika, not sure ,I did it a long time ago
where th
Well you can talk with her in a few places, the vegetables garden , the kitchen, and her room , some time inside the city(only in quest) , and in a way or another you might actually activated the quest but you did not see or bulged and did not show as a quest or idk , try to go on the road behind the house at night , there is a chance you are going to hear a sound and be able to investigate to continue the story.
Not sure, Cruz when I play it I just helped when i could like quite a lot in the garden then because i like to explore i just have go through the quest, small tip, go in different places at different times , trust me
is there a way to get the scene from page one bottom left
Talk to Poe to get his nightmare dialogue option, talk to Talia about the Serum, take the right hand one, [sex scene], give one of the serums to Poe, quest finished.
(Poe's Peril Quest) you get to bang Talia
i have already done that quest...i was wondering if there was another way to get i
It's really early game, just boot a new game and get to the quest, you can complete it alongside getting your 'Breder's License' (Yes, it's literally misspelled in the game... on purpose), just remember to take the Right Hand Vial. It's the lust one.
Damn, seems like devlopers like this are still there, who only care about those who pay them, too bad, I lost some valuable internet downloading the latest ver, if only I knew how much buggy and confusing it was going to be..... honestly people, you can play it, they have latest version on patreon, 5.02 for free but the game is too confusing and there's no clue given to play it like you have to figure it all out god knows how, and there's too many bugs. So either waste 800 mb downloading it or just don't bother wasting your time, I recommend the latter
I heartily disagree, personally. And even so, paying for quality is a matter of respect; showing the dev some love and getting rewarded for it? What a quaint and novel concept. Making it free-to-play *at all* is kind of a big risk, all things considered. But that's just my 2¢. Make of it what you will.
Well, guess what? Most adult games are kinda free to play till a certain version and some very successful games have always been completely free, yet they're definitely earning 10x more money through patreon than Devs of breeding farm so I don't see the big risk anywhere.
The big risk? Bro, not all games go super wow instantly, and not all games have an entire teams for development
yes, they don't go super wow instantly, but they certainly don't completely ignore the players who aren't their patrons
i cant play blackout with cece and eros...how do i go about being able to play agai
Is there a guide for the gallery?
Quick question for the game in general seeing as the Developers aren't looking on Itch, what is the limit for traits on a single monster/breeding line?
Thank you for the info d{^_^}b
looks like the dev has stopped uploading to itch as I have found an updated version 0.5.1 on another site I really wish for the dev to upload new versions on here as itch is the best plase to go for 'fun' games ;p
Thank you for the info ! You can found the link in Patreon in a free for all post.
The game is pretty more advanced in 0.5.1.
Ironically, I actually *want* to offer patronage, hearing this...and when I'm able to, I plan to do just that. Once my feet are on terra firma, it's a certainty. Thank you for keeping us up to date (especially since I haven't seen the Patreon post).
is this game still been developed?
yeah and you can find some free updates on their patreon. They arent updating the itch page
(SPOILER WARNING) Honestly liked the story until the part where the main character goes simp mode for the mom after barely knowing her. After which the story turns into a clear fan service. It just makes no sense why he fell for her so heavily and did what he did for her. He has known her for maybe 2 months max depending how slow you do the story and already wants to be in a relationship? Like dude is F-ing girls and monsters on a daily but get jealous cause shes F-ing a random monster? Should of made it as they were FB and left it as that.
It would be cool to have some alternative story lines where he has a better reason for turning into a wolfman. Not because he wants to pretty much sell his soul for some farm milf he just met. Some build up towards the end of the game, where through the story your decisions with certain girls leads the main character to fall for one of them. Love the art style yea it has some clear bugs that should of been fixed but man does the Rika story line ruin the game for me. (P.S. Bring the damn Brothel back.)
Do you have to pay money to play the full game?
No, it's Free on Patreon, they're at version 0.5.2. for the public, Patrons can get access to newer and more unstable builds if you are willing to shill out ten dollars.
ok so i cant find version 0.5.1 to re download it cant anyone help?
nvm got it
Do they abandon the upload in itch Io?
I am at day 153 for some reson lol, but I want to know if the fact that I am at that day , is going to influence the game in any way when the new quest is going to get added? Like , are the events and quests happening only in specific days or something or it does not meters?
There are some weird triggers that are like really early on, the story can be beat in 53 days if you know where to look, somebody in the comments posted a Word Document for an entire guide... I can't thank him enough for it.
I replied to Brian about it.
Edit: found a fix to my initial problem.
Please label your game as ntr. Got to the point with the unavoidable scene and made me drop the game entirely. Why give the illusion of having a choice a couple of scenes prior only to find that girl deep with someone else in another scene? The problem is not that it's there, the problem is that I was led to believe that I had the option to avoid it.
How did you fix your problem, so I can avoid the NTR scene
Initial problem was that the game would not start after updating, had to do a clean re-install. There's no way around the ntr section unfortunately.
Sadly there NO way to avoidthe NTR, it's part of the main story and if you don't get NTR'd you can't get to further content.
None of you bothered to read the text for the scene did you???
The werewolf in question is the player.) Although the dialogue earlier questions if you wouldn't mind her having an open relationship, has is common in games of this genre it is explicitly explained that the MC wolfing out is his territorial instincts. Don't me ask how that works, it hasn't be explained yet and likely has to do with the area the MC is from however it does.
You literally can be the only guy any girl in the series can have sex with, or not if that is your choice, there is no unavoidable ntr.
What ntr scene , I did not see any or I might have forgot about it
Is not even that hardcore to be honest, is where the mother which is at that point is your lover cheat with random werewolf.
I even forgot about that part lol.
There isn't one, gooeyadodo, Nero2377, Seiisuke, and Raygha didn't read the text for the scene, and missed the fact that the werewolf in question is in fact the MC. Cheating on the MC with the MC is the simplest wording of the scenario in question.
Abyssal , in the most ironic way they actually are right , there is a scene were if I am right the mother is banging a wild wolfman , that happens right before you do her in the wolfman form . You had the option to look at tham and stay hidden or stop them .
That might be were we have a difference of stance in gaming view, for me it would have to be uninterruptable to begin to classify has ntr. actually I tend to get too irritable with terms being misused. For one has a technicality it require a fat ugly old guy for it to be ntr. If the antagonistic party is not at least two the those it would be cucking. Also has you have pointed out you can interrupt.
The basis for this is general meaning for the word ntr is an abbreviation of means the worst of the worst. While some may view interruptible scenes and take her for yourself scenes has ntr they actually have their own classification and I view it has insecure whining given the amount of times I have seen similar arguments for games with even less ground. I remember a game/visual novel mix from a few years back where people were whining about ntr, the situation being a scene in which the Mc's gf gets drunk at a party and a rival of some nature (I forgot what exactly) begins to grope her. The fact is the scene doesn't give you an option to let him and the MC promptly beat the snot out of said rival. NO sex no loss of clothes and yet in the comments people bitching about it being an ntr scene. Can you can see my frustration with people crying about ntr with little to no ground to call it has such and the ability to interrupt/avert a scene.
Also the the catgirl will only have sex with the monsters you make her.
Finally the last reason this seems like a pointless claim, is the originally being to add ntr has a tag... which would mean it's a primary genre, or a prevalent feature in the game... It is neither, it happens only if you make it and in one scene so far that is doubtful if it can be called an ntr scene. Make what you will of this, but I doubt the creator of the game even remembers this page exists has that last few builds have been by going to the Patreon account of the devs and getting it from there... Making this entire thread pointless, if that's the case has the game page simply won't receive further updates.
I could actually go into a major criticism of the ntr game genre, but that would be for another time.
Been a couple months along with a new update so here's the updated versions of the gallery and walkthrough for anybody who needs them.
Link to a word document where I made a log/walkthrough if anyone needs/wants to use it. Note that it isn't professionally done or anything, so it might look like shit. However it should have the steps to unlock all scenes in the gallery.
[Updated to have no issues getting the hair from Elizabeth]
[Both word links below have been updated to 0.5.1]
walkthrough for 0.5.1. https://1drv.ms/w/s!At-QRpkNEdPKpzb7_7DkTUgei0CM?e=Vh4Srp
All monster combinations(the walkthrough will get all story related gallery scenes). https://1drv.ms/w/s!At-QRpkNEdPKpziM-pV0duB2kWkc?e=h2kNOw
https://www.patreon.com/BreedingFarm <- Get the most recent version here for free.
I don't know what the plaza is
its the town, should be the first area of the town. Where you pick left for Poe and right for the inn.
I can't seem to trigger the 2nd Scene with Cecilia and Eros, this is due to me being on 0.5.2, and it somehow feels... off, like how Poe is completely absent on Day 4, so I can't Speed-Run the Serum, or how after seeing Cecilia and Eros in the Tavern, I still can trigger Kaitlyn's bathroom scene the following day... making it impossible to trigger Cecilia's Second Scene... and then getting Rika's right afterward the next day... making it... once again... IMPOSSIBLE to get that damn Scene.
Hmm, interesting the most recent updates shouldn't have changed the game that much story wise and the walkthrough should be pretty accurate with a 1-2 day margin of error. I will speed run a game sometime this week(most likely on the weekend) and update the walkthrough if it is incorrect. Thanks for the heads up.
I can't seem to find the update for 0.5.2. I looked on their pateron and couldn't find it. It may be with the most recent update that it broke a lot of things for the walkthrough and I will have to redo it to be correct again. Granted looking at the comments from other people who have found the 0.5.2. update it looks like they broke a lot of things and people are having a bunch of problems they didn't use to have with the previous versions.
Alright thanks, I'll Download 0.5.1
I don't have 0.5.2, only 0.5.1, I was mistaken, the margins for NPC events are still very fucked though.
Thanks for letting me know. I just did a quick run through of the beginning(to day 23) and rewrote/updated all days to properly say what happens and what you should do. It looks like update 0.5.1 fucked up more then I thought. I was surprised at how much has been changed and how much harder it got to not only get money but to get the elf questline going. Even ran into a couple more bugs I didn't find when I first did the walkthrough lol. I will try and get the rest of the days updated soon.
Alright just finished the updated walkthrough... and all I can say is that the chances of anyone being able to follow it matching every detail is very low. Every time I ran through the game I would get different results and some would feel like hard mode got enabled where 90% of the guide would take 10-15 days longer to complete as the events wouldn't pop or I would be screwed on quests and have no money to be able to advance the story. Just use it as a rough guideline on how to answer the questions and not as a direct guide where if what I wrote doesn't happen you are screwed. I am not looking forward on updating the guide when they actually add more story to the game.
Uhh guys in quest "hunting for dragon" how can i get the Elizabeth's hair? I've been stuck on that quest
You have to go to Elizabeth and ask for it. However you needed to answer every option with her correctly since day 2. You will have to make a new save to get it or if you answered the day 2 options correctly and have a save before day 30 where she comes to collect and make sure you answer all options correctly then. after having both days correctly done she will willingly give the hair when asked.
Finally, thx for helping me i've stuck on that damn quest. I even go to town, search a clue on the town but i can't find any clue
Guys what do I do I'm at Day 2 I ran out of energy and I can't sleep Skip Day button doesn't work too
Show post...
Had the same problem, you need to click on the little arrow next to skip day
cant find katelyn
Where are the updates?
On Team Bieno's patreon page. Go to patreon.com/BreedingFarm.
ok so i have 0.5.1 is that the most reasent version also do i have to re download it everytime theres an update? also will i even be able to play it for free if it dose update?
i mean that when it dose update will there be a pay wall to buy the game
Here is a life tip you spell does as d-o-e-s.
Thanks but that isnt what I needed
it becomes free to play after a period of time. I haven't seen any mention of making the game pateron subscription only. yes you have to redownload it everytime. its recommended not to use any previous saves after redownloading, however this most recent update has 0 story content so it doesn't matter as you can see 90% of the new content from the main menu. lol
alright thanks ill just check back here in a while to see if there is any new story stuff thank you
Where do you get that
Get what?
get the game, there's only ver 3 in itch io
ok the game isnt fully out yet so the version on here is the latest i think so if you wanted to figure out when the game updates (you also have to re download the game every time it updates) you will have to look at there patreon which you can find a link somewhere so thats all i can do to help if your trying to download it you may need to look up a guide sorry i couldnt help mutch.
ok so I have no idea why version 0.5.1, isn't here anymore so sorry I couldn't help
how do you make the player character a female, how do you change your form?
If you haven't figured it out already. The female character is only available in the test menu from the main menu and not for the game itself. It should take awhile to get it fully into the game as they have to update the dialog and story scenes for the new female character.
lmao so i found this gem, if you are in wolf form you can sell the main character
how do i get money?
Work or sell monster
The game's pretty good, I only wish you could avoid getting NTR tho