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(1 edit)
¿Ayuda porque no tengo hombres en la tienda ...? en la versión 2.0

¿Sois los principales monstruos masculinos? Espera un poco y Talia tendrá algo.


No have animation gay.? :C

Not right now. Eventually we will have some again.

(1 edit)

I played yesterday and saved the game several times, but now it's back at new game. Didn't lose much progress but if it keeps happening I won't be able to get very far.

What version did you play?

0.2 I think

oh i should mention i was playing in browse

Idk what’s going on but I love this game and think y’all are doing fantastic work but the new 0.2 version absolutely will not load on either of my Macs. I can still use the 0.15 update but this new one just won’t work 

Bro How can i surpass talias game? I mean in the game they need elves that fertile but i dunno what to do. I tried to level up them how many breeds then i donate them. Nothing happened. Plss help me tnx

ummm so i just got the new update then played again   

theres nothing coming up on the order board even when i have 6 level 20 monsters 


I completed Cece's questline and now there's 6 orders at all times. (Cece in bathroom, talk in city at night, 'date' in Eros tavern, 'date' in forest.)

Before that I had nothing as well. (they didn't show up till like 15 in game days in.)

(2 edits)

Can you write how you got the cece bathroom scene? and should we play the same order 6 times?

(1 edit) (+2)

It was night, before the bedroom (Hallway), it's random. Take your peek, keep going. DON'T USE THE OBVIOUS PERV TEXT. If you see hearts near the face, you did it right. (same thing with the other two shower scenes.)
Then Night in town, talk with her. (get them heart texts.)
Spend some time playing blackjack in the tavern. (try to get all the scenes, might take 2 playthroughs, play again option.)
Another night in town, talk again, go to forest, get that backstory and more hearts.
Done. (Also now she will "work" with you on the farm.)

Orders will change as you rank up your card and fill out old orders.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the help

@MythicShades i did all that and still did not get anything on the orderboard and failed due to no quests coming up

i would like to know what kinda plans are going to be used for money ?seem like other then buy few basic monsters be neat if you can buy trait potions for MC or something of that or upgrade system


what are the debug codes

(1 edit)

Dunno if it was cause I was clicking so fast, but in town, (Literally start of new game) the clickable parts of town showed up inside the buildings! This caused a clicking bug that had me had to do the first talk with Talia on Auto.  Tried clicking around again, isn't happening. Just a heads up for others for now. (Also had text speed maxed before that. Switched it back to normal after.)

PRO-TIP: You can waste the remainder of your energy with an extra breed on the same two you have selected even if it's over what it costs.
Also focus on the Smart and Cute perks for quick leveling.

Deleted 4 years ago

i dont know how to fulfil the orders i try to level up my charecters but i cant press the fulfill button


is the fulfill button green and still not clickable? 

Anyone know what level the special traits cap at?

(1 edit)

Well I got some up to 3. With 4-5 traits on one monster. Edit: got some to rank 4 now. Takes A LOT of breeding. Monster level cap is 100.

Accidently got rid of all elves, anything I. Can do?

(obvious answer) .... Restart the game?...

Bro plss help me i dont know how to surpassed the task of elves


I don't understand how to download the game. I can't see a .deb file inside the zip. If there's something I'm missing please let me know, because I'm new to

Deleted 4 years ago

I have a problem on the phone.when you save in the forest. Then when you try to login you cant hit the check mark to continue to your save game.

alright, I’ve played this game for a bit and just had my second payment. Here goes;

-I’ve been playing blackout a lot and they have no problems with drinks at all! I think there should be a chance that they don’t finish it. Maybe give some options on what they have to do?

-with most characters there is barely interaction outside maybe a single questline. There should be more interaction.

-and finally: more Breeding animations. I liked the doggirl, but sadly there are no animations...

the enchanted forest also won’t appear on my map. That should be fixed.

Otherwise, great game! :)

Im done with the elf quest line I don't there is anything else to do

Bro how to do elfs task?? How to know that they are fertile??


not sure if it is a bug, but I can only access the normal forest even though the game said I could now go to the elf forest. Also I dont see any progress towards continuing this quest line (if it already exists that is)


Great game! Makes a lot of fun. But...did I hit a point, where there is not much more to do, than breeding. 

I Played cards with cece and Eros (130+ rounds now), found the elves, bred and donated them and spied on the ppl on the farm. Is there more?..For example that quest elisabeth speaks about? Or is this content, that is still to come?


(1 edit) (+1)

I'm gonna be honest here, I've tried breeding season before this one and it couldn't even hold a candle to this one, you guys did one hell of a good job

the animation

the story (humour mostly)

you guys even make a feature for auto-rotate in phone version to make it's easier for people to jack off lol, anyway good job and I'm looking forward to future updates 

ps. : pls add rotation-lock 

Dude, please, put the sale on steam!? I loved the game <3


can you make the game playable in win 32-bit

ummm kinda limited on sex scenes and other species and add more interactions to the other girls like to katelyn who you cant even see in the game except for paying the church or in the intro

pls add more to this great game


There's no option to donate when downloading.  Please take my money!  :)

Go directly to support their patreon

They should include that link in their Info. :)


I love this game so much, the new animations are so perfectly done and the story is just great! 10/10


game been great so far just wish there was more progession in the game play it self but I get it its super early 


I just wanted to say that I'm enjoying this game, and that I appreciate all the effort that you put into making it. I hope you all are staying safe, that life is treating you all well, and that you all are doing well.


I don't think they will be posting here anymore, but 0.3.2 is public and free to download on patreon. Just go on their patreon and scroll down till you find an announcement with 0.3.2 public release. Link to patreon is some comments bellow this one. 

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so how similar will this be to breeding season? and hopefully you guys made sure some asshat can't ruin it like breeding season

breeding season 

yo but uh . wye androyd no work

(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

Is there some sort of Walkthrough? I'm getting to the point with Cece where i had a date with her in the forest but i can't progress any further then that with her.

I think that's the end of her story for this version. But I just checked their patreon page and they dropped 0.3.2 and over there. Maybe you'll get farther there. Still downloading it, myself.

My phone attempts to install the apk but just will fail everytime as it almost finishes install

(1 edit)

The game is not dead yet. Hooray! Version 0.3.0 has been released on patreon.

They have a patreon here is the link

i have 3.5 gigs available but the apk sinply refuses to install. why


When will you fix the android "app not installed" error? It's been months...

Do you guys not have a Patreon?


I am really excited to try this game out, but I'm trying to download the android version of the game, and every time I go to install it, I'm hit with a "App not installed" error, and nothing I've done fixed it. Why won't it install??

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